Bronfenbrenner's Bioecological Theory

Uriel Bronfenbrenner conceived this theory, because he believed that there are many different layers of environmental influences, that can effect a child's development, starting from people and institutions
immediately surrounding the individual to nationwide cultural forces.

There are five different domains that create the bioecological theory and they are the microsystem, mesosytem,exosystem, macrosystem and the chronological system.

Microsystem is the immediate environment including your family, friends, school, church group, peers and health services.

Mesosystem is the interaction of two or more of your microsystems

Exosystem are things or situations you are not directly affected by, but does not directly involve you.

Macrosytem describes the culture in which individuals live. Here your attitudes and ideologies of the culture is affected.

Chronosystem is the effect of time on all ecological systems. Environmental changes that occur over life course.

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